Dr. Monica Turenne earned her DVM from Michigan State University in 1999. She continued her education to receive her certification in veterinary acupuncture in 2005 from the Chi Institute. She went on to earn her certification in Thanatology (the study of death) and became one of the first veterinarians to receive Certification in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care in 2017.
More recently, in 2023. Dr. Turenne was one of the 1st graduating students from the Veterinary Homeopathy Institute. She completed over 150 hours of classroom and clinical hours to obtain this goal. Dr. Turenne is so excited to be able to offer homeopathy as yet another modality to help all her patients.
In 2012, she started Four Paws Veterinary Wellness to bring the best of both eastern and western medicine to her patients in the comfort of their own homes, through all the phases of their lives.
Dr. Turenne’s education in integrative care combines both western and eastern therapies to help pets live longer, healthier and happier lives. In addition to traditional medicine she provides pets with many holistic care options including acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, homeopathy, western herbal therapy, ozone therapy, Reiki, muscle testing, glandular therapy, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, and much more.

Dr. Turenne is passionate about animal hospice, palliative care, and in-home euthanasia. Her additional certifications in this area give her unique training, perspective and understanding about how to help dying pets and their families. While many of her hospice and palliative care patients benefit from an in-home, integrative care approach, she welcomes all care philosophies focusing on quality of life and honoring pets through this transition.
When Dr. Turenne is not working, she spends time with her family, including her two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Darwin and Biscotti. If she happens to find extra time she loves baking, reading stories about the human-animal bond, writing, walking and practicing yoga.
Curriculum Vitae for Monica Turenne, DVM, CVA, CT, CVHP
Career Objective
To treat all patients and pet parents with dignity and respect. To provide not only the highest quality integrative veterinary care possible for cats and dogs but also be consistently mindful of their individualized needs as well as the needs of their pet parents.
- International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care – Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian (2017)
- Association for Death Education and Counseling, The Thanatology Association, Oakbrook, IL – Certified in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement (2015)
- Usui Shiki Ryoho, Ann Arbor, MI – Second Degree of the Usui System of Reiki Healing (2014)
- Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine, Reddick, Florida – Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (2005)
- Michigan State University, Lansing, MI – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1999)
- Kenyon College, Gambier, OH – Bachelor of Arts, Political Science (1990)
Work Experience
Owner and Veterinarian: 2012- present, Four Paws Veterinary Wellness, Ann Arbor, MI
- Provide mobile veterinary services to the greater Ann Arbor area
- Services include:
- Hospice
- End of life consultations
- In-home euthanasia
- Acupuncture
- Chinese Herbology
- Homeopathy
- Reiki
- Muscle Testing
- Ozone Therapy
- Bach Flower Essences
- Holistic Wellness examinations
- Holistic Illness examination
Practice Manager: 2009-2012, Washtenaw Veterinary Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI
- Managed the daily workings of the hospital including human resources, medical protocols, hospital policies, inventory, client concerns, quarterly newsletter and website content.
Lead Veterinarian: 2008-2012, Washtenaw Veterinary Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI
- Continued my responsibilities as described under Associate Veterinarian
- Made decisions regarding medical policies and protocols for hospital
Associate Veterinarian: 1999-2008, Washtenaw Veterinary Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI
- Performed typical outpatient and in-patient small animal veterinarian responsibilities
- Performed surgical procedures including spays and neuters
- Performed dental prophylaxes and extractions with aide of high speed drill and dental radiography
Professional Affiliations
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
- Michigan Veterinary Medical Association (MiVMA)
- Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC)
- International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC)
- Academy for Veterinary Homeopathy
- International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management (IVAPM)
- Pet Loss Professionals Alliance (PLPA)
Publications and Interviews
- Gronlund, Lynda. “What’s New in the Community.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal. 68 (2018): 25. Print
- Turenne, Monica. “Animal Hospice.” Dr. Judy Morgan’s Naturally Healthy Pet Show. 14 November 2017.
- Turenne, Monica. “We Can But Should We.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal Blog. 18 Sep 2014. Web.
- Turenne, Monica. “Animal Hospice.” Downriver Rescue Connection: Episode 32. By Patti Radakovich. Youtube.com. 17 August 2014. Web. 17 August 2014.
- Turenne, Monica. “You Can Hear the Thunder.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal Blog. 2 July 2014. Web.
- Turenne, Monica. “Taking Care of the Pet Parent.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal Blog. 20 March 2014. Web.
- Turenne, Monica. “Don’t Judge a Doggie By It’s Cover: Ruby.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal Blog. 19 February 2014. Web.
- Turenne, Monica. ”Milo and Corky.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal Blog. 15 January 2014. Web.
- Turenne, Monica. “There is No Place Like Home.” The Betty Brigade Blog. Bettybrigade.com
31 December 2013. Web. 31 December 2013. - Turenne, Monica. “A Veterinarian Who Makes House Calls. ”Get Ready With Betty. By Sharon McRill. Blogtalkradio.com 16 September 2013. Web. 16 September 2013.
- Turenne, Monica. “Caring For Your Pet With In-Home Hospice.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal 56 (2013): 68. Print.
- Turenne, Monica. “Caring For Your Pet With In-Home Hospice.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal. N.pag. Crazywidomjournal.com. Web. 1 January 2013.
- LeBlanc, Anita. “Visiting Vets.” Ann Arbor Observer. (2013) Print.
- Turenne, Monica. “Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal. 47 (2011): 20-21. Print.
- Runser, Mary. “Complementary Health and Healing For Our Animal Companions and Friends.” Crazy Wisdom Community Journal. 44 (2010):16-23. Print.
- “Animal Hospice.” Terrier Club of Michigan. Livonia, Michigan. April 19, 2018.
- “Animal Hospice.” National Association of Social Workers Conference. Lansing, Michigan. April 1, 2016.
- “Animal Hospice” National Association of Social Workers Conference. Kalamazoo, Michigan. April 9, 2015.
- “Acupuncture and Hospice.” International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. October 11, 2014.
- “Animal Hospice.” Crazy Wisdom Community Room. Ann Arbor, MI. March, 2013.
- “Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats.” Crazy Wisdom Community Room. Ann Arbor, MI. February, 2013.
- “Animal Hospice.” Pet Fest. Saline, MI. August 11, 2013.
- “Animal Hospice.” Pet Fest. Saline, MI. August 10, 2013.
- “Veterinary Acupuncture.” Washtenaw Veterinary Hospital. Ann Arbor, MI. 2006.
Community Service
- Volunteer, Veterinary Acupuncturist, Humane Society of Huron Valley. 2012-Present.
- Volunteer with Darwin, Registered Therapy Dog. Therapy Dogs, Incorporated. June 2014-Present
When I am not working, I spend time with my family, including my 6 year old Cavalier, Darwin and my 4 year old Cavalier Biscotti. If I happen to have extra time, I love to bake, read stories about the human-animal bond and write. I hope one day to publish a book.