May we first and foremost offer our sincere sympathy as you face this difficult situation in which important decisions need to be made in a timely manner with your pet’s best interests at heart.
Please be gentle with yourself during this time. And please know there are many resources available to help you through this process.
When faced with difficult decisions about your pet, you and your family are your pet’s biggest advocates. Even if your pet has only hours or days to live, you still have time to plan for a peaceful transition. In many cases, this can still be accomplished at home with natural death or euthanasia. If you have chosen to have your pet euthanized at home and you are in the greater Ann Arbor area, please click here to visit our Home Euthanasia page.
If you are outside this area, please check here for various resources that you can use.
There are times when euthanasia at a veterinary clinic is in your pet’s best interest. Please know that it can still be dignified and peaceful. Many veterinary hospitals now have specific rooms which are more “like home”. Make the room your own and ask for what you need – privacy, music, flowers, candles (if they will allow it), other pets to visit, anything to make these moments more gentle and comfortable for both you and your pet.

If you live outside the greater Ann Arbor area, please contact us for a telephone consultation for ways to help make your pet’s transition as peaceful as possible.